Thursday, 28 April 2016

NaPoWriMo - what day is it?

My calendar tells me it’s the 28th day of April but after having a few days away (see my previous post), and then catching up with things at home, I’ve fallen behind with the Write a Poem a Day challenge. But I have been making a note of the daily optional prompts on, and my muse has been sending me random ideas to fit some of them.

The prompt for Day 18 was: a poem that incorporates the sound of home.
I started trying to write something about the sounds in my childhood home, and then in my present home, but it just wasn’t working. Then I asked one of my fictional characters what she remembered hearing in her home.

Home sounds

I hear my daddy laughing
rich as chocolate, loud as happy thunder.
I hear my mummy talking
light and tinkley, a pretty fairy voice.
I hear the sounds of cooking,
pans clunk, plates clatter, and spoons are scraping.
I listen for feet stepping,
who will come to read my story tonight?
I hear the phone ring, ringing,
Daddy’s ‘hello?’ and then Mummy’s ‘what’s wrong?’
I hear a door’s soft closing.
Nothing but hush. A bad feeling inside.


Day 20’s prompt was for: a kenning poem.
A kenning is a sort of riddle found in Norse sagas where the real name of an object or person is replaced with metaphors.

What am I?

Soft shuffler
Flat flopper
Sound muffler
Toe hugger
Cosy comforter
and, best of all,
Home welcomer!

(answers in the comments, please!) 


Susan A Eames said...

Surely slippers? :)

p.s. Great poems, Linda!

Linda D said...

Well done, Susan!
(Perhaps I wasn't devious enough :))