Wednesday, 8 June 2016


I know I said I wouldn’t, but I’ve finally given in and set up a Twitter account. Not sure how much I’ll use it – I’m still at the bottom of the learning curve – but I’ve managed to find some of my blog followers on there and have signed up to follow them (at least I think I have if I clicked on the right buttons!)

If you’re on Twitter and I’ve missed you, do leave your Twitter name in the comments and I’ll follow you.

My Twitter name is @LindaDaunter.


Nicola said...

You are brave! I'm avoiding it. Let us know how it goes :)

Wendy's Writing said...

Lovely to see you on there - you're doing well x

Linda D said...

I've been looking at it for a while, Nicola, and can see it could be very useful - access to lots of info about writing and publishing - but it's also dangerously addictive. I'll have to be very strict about limiting my time on there.

Thanks, Wendy, good to be able to find some familiar faces!

Susan A Eames said...

Twitter is something I've resisted because I spend/waste enough time online with social media/blogging/forums etc and can't see the value of signing up to yet another thing which will keep me from my writing.
I'd be interested to hear how you get on and whether you find it worthwhile, Linda.

Susan at
Travel, Fiction and Photos

Linda D said...

It's early days yet, Susan, but my plan is to mostly use it for gathering info about people and organizations I wouldn't 'meet' through my blog - publishers, magazines, writing competitions etc.
I've managed to restrict my visits to 10 mins, twice a day - so far!

Anonymous said...

Glad to have found you on there, Linda. I joined for the writing and it's really useful. If you have time, on Wednesdays between 8 and 9 pm, Patsy and Carol run an online chat called #writingchat. Each week there's a subject and we can pop in and comment if we want to. It's quite good, more of a laugh really. But as you say, I should be writing now:))