Monday, 30 November 2015

Lost for words

I was surprised, but very pleased, when my story 'Forever' was longlisted for the

I was amazed and delighted when it appeared in the shortlist.

But when I heard it had been awarded 1st prize – that’s right, it WON – I couldn’t think how to describe my feelings. At least, not in plain English words that made any sense.

When I come back down to earth I’ll have a good look through my thesaurus.

Until then ...



Helen Yendall said...

Well done, Linda! that's a great achievement - I hope you're going to celebrate!

Suzanne Furness said...

Many congratulations, Linda.

Jan Baynham said...

Congratulations, Linda! Wonderful news. 😀

Geoff said...

Woo hoo amazing. Well done.

Linda D said...

Thanks Everyone,
I still can't quite believe it!

Anonymous said...

Cracking news, Linda. Fantastic achievement as there must have been lots of entries. Can't wait to read it. Yeeha*******

Friko said...

Golly! Congratulations. And Fanfares!
And Chapeau!

Nicola said...

YAYYY!!! Congratulations. You must feel GREEEAAAAATTT! So pleased for you Linda. Can't wait to read it. Have a lovely rest of the week.

Linda D said...

Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Patsy said...

Excellent news. Congratulations!

Anne Goodwin said...

Congratulations, Linda, something to celebrate!

Susan A Eames said...

Many congratulations, Linda. I'm the runner-up for this competition and delighted that the winner is someone I 'know'! I've been away, so apologies for the delay in congratulating you. I've only today announced this success on my blog and I've also downloaded your story this evening. I'm looking forward to settling down to read your story!

Susan A Eames said...

As a post script to my last comment - I've just read your story, Linda and I understand why you won the competition. It was the last line that did it for me. Very well done!

Linda D said...

Thanks, Susan. So pleased (and relieved) that you liked it. I've got your story on my 'must read' list.