Monday, 23 February 2015


Isn’t it wonderful when you don’t have to spend ages trying to invent a clever plot and interesting characters because you suddenly find a ready-made story right in front of you? One such serendipitous moment happened while I was doing a spot of late night shopping, and it didn’t take much creativity on my part to turn it into this 75-word story for Paragraph Planet

With much thanks to an anonymous, middle-aged shelf stacker and Aretha Franklin!

Have you ever been given a story?


Wendy's Writing said...

All the time! Often it's something a friend tells me.

Unknown said...

that is excellent; I love it when that happens. Great story too.

Patsy said...

I've based a few stories on real events. Often though I've had to work quite hard to make them seem plausible.

Linda D said...

I think all my story ideas are sparked by something I've seen or heard in the real world, but I know what you mean, Patsy. Truth is often a bit too strange for fiction!

liz young said...

What a lovely moment that must have been! I woke up with a story in my head the other day - does that count?

Linda D said...

Of course it does, Lizy.

Jan Baynham said...

Great post, Linda. You must have come out of the shop with a spring in your step! My latest story was inspired by a newspaper article about a man who only got to know how his father felt about him by finding letters he'd written to him after he'd died.